Friday, January 20, 2012

The Famous And Fabulous And Tremendously Missed Grandy

My heart is broken right now.  One day we will be able to start to put the pieces back together but it will never, ever be whole again like it was before January 7.  The patriarch of this great family that I was lucky enough to marry into left us many years before we ever thought we would have to say good bye.  I knew that Randy was wildly popular around the city, I don't know if I have ever been anywhere with him where he didn't happen to see at least one person he knew.  And it didn't matter if that person was another prominent business man or his favorite greeter at Cracker Barrel, they were all met with a huge grin and bear hug.  Everyone he met was treated to the same expression of sheer excitement to have run into them.  To say that Randy was truly one of the happiest people I have ever known would be an understatement.

One thing that makes me happiest of all is knowing that I had something to do with giving Grandy 2 of his most precious gifts in life, Grady and Caroline.  His life literally revolved around those 2.  The week before he passed away while driving to Myrtle Beach upon learning that I would be late at work he offered to turn around and go pick up the babies.  He didn't offer it like many of us do, just to be nice or something to say in passing.  He meant every word of it and nothing would have made his day more than to turn that car around and go straight to day care.

His visitation was unlike anything I have ever been to.  It turns out when you are genuinely a good, happy person who cares about every person you meet, they care about you too.  There was a 2 hour wait for all of Randy's friends to pay their respects to the family.  2 hours!  It wasn't a deterrent though.  Each person patiently waited and looked at pictures of the good times Randy shared with family and reflected on fond memories with one another.  Many friends came from other states, one particular person flew in from Chicago.  This gesture brought tears to Kathy's eyes.  My heart melted when 2 of Grady's teachers came through to pay their respects and tears came to my eyes the next morning when their day care director called to make sure she had the correct directions to the church.

It seems that everything I am surrounded by reminds me of Grandy.  My office elevators remind me of a day I met him a few blocks away and he had bought Grady a huge box of candy.  Every time I get in the elevators a picture of Grady sitting next to his Grandy on that bench, both smiling from ear to ear, pops in my head.  I see his face when I look at my little Grady, I feel his big hugs when I start to get sad and need some comfort, I hear his laugh when I sit back and smile at the fond memories.

For the 54 short years that Randy was on this earth, he accomplished more than I could dream of accomplishing in an entire lifetime.  If I could take one lesson from him it would be to enjoy life, every minute of it and everything in it.  The people, the food, the surroundings and in true Randy fashion, the good red wine.  I love you more than I could have ever expressed to you Grandy and I miss you so very dearly.  Watch over us from up there...Grady and Caroline have their very own special angel now.  

Monday, December 5, 2011

Magical Pop

Give him a challenge and he will get it done.  If you don't already know, Caroline is not a napper.  I'm happy if we get a combined total of an hour of naptime throughout the day.  He got her to take good naps not once, but twice on his couch.

 And this guy had a full day of jumping on his blowy beds and no nap for 2 days. 
He was a much easier challenge.  Unfortunately I couldn't get the camera out in time but dad managed to sneak a little nap in with Grady about 2 minutes after this shot was taken.
Day 2 of Bobber snoozing on the couch

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Attempt At A Christmas Card Picture

Here are a few of the ones that were cute but not Christmas card material. Oh Jacksonville, how I love you and your warm weather! And green grass year round...I'll take it!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Of course the train around the tree was a big hit.  Caroline was mesmerized and could have probably sat there for hours watching it go around and around.
 Mr. Whites made his grand appearance Thanksgiving morning.
Gigi has softened up my dad in ways I never thought possible.  He has a dog.  And a cat.  In the house.  CRAZY!
Caroline and Rocky loved each other, he couldn't get enough sweet baby kisses and she didn't mind one bit.
The family arrived and Grady took everyone's hands and led them straight into the blowy bed room.
Little Miss Amelia learning how cool blowy beds are.  She is going to be a big sister next Spring!  Her little brother is due on Caroline's first birthday.
 Grady brought out his treasure chest of candy that Grandy bought him before we left.  Amelia was introduced to smarties...sorry Natalie and Halston!
Gigi and her beautiful grandbaby.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Blowy Bed Room

We made our annual trek down to Jacksonville for Thanksgiving last week and look what was there to greet us when we arrived...the blowy bed room! (better known as Pop and Gigi's theater room)
Thanks to a surprise overnight visit from Halston and Natalie's entire youth group, Pop and Gigi now have more air mattresses than any one person will probably own in their lifetime.
Taking a break to catch some cartoons.
And he's off again.
Who needs a trampoline when you have your own padded room?

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Cake Monster

We all had the pleasure of celebrating Anne's birthday with her a few weekends ago.  Grady was on his best behavior all night...until the cake came out.
 Happy Birthday to you...
 Happy Birthday to you...
Grady looks like a monkey...
And acts like one too!
(check out the look on my face as I watch my child devour cake like the little boy from A Christmas Story)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

First Weekend Away

I made it a full 7 months before leaving my sweet girl for a night.  As much as I knew I would miss our littlest one (and the big guy too), I could not wait to get out of town and to a hotel for a few nights.  No dishes to wash, laundry to do, house to clean, little mouths that want to eat around the clock, temper tantrums, screaming at the sight of me leaving the room.  Long story short, a peaceful, relaxing weekend.  By Saturday morning I was bored out of my mind.  Dale was occupied with wedding duties all weekend so I was left on my own for the most part.  I did Christmas shopping, walked around every mall and shop I could find, an even called my poor dad just to talk 3 different times before lunchtime.

Grady and Caroline had a fun filled weekend with Nana and Grandy which culminated in the 2 grandmothers jumping on the opportunity to get pictures of the grandchildren together.  Here are a few good ones:

 My smiley, happy girl.

 One of the token cheesy Christmas shots they always make you take, even after you insist that you are not there to buy Christmas pictures.
 Yes, I would love some milk said the bottomless pit.  (I heard she also ate a whole cup of ice cream after they left)

Funny brother.  He can make her laugh and grab her attention like no one else.

Not my little baby anymore...

And this is when Caroline let them know that she was done. Check out those sad eyes with circles underneath. The girl needs her beauty sleep!

While the kids were busy being spoiled, we got to see a miracle happen right in front of us.  Robby McNair finally got married.  I think pigs flew by the window of the church.  I never, ever thought I would see the day.  Even his poor mom was celebrating after the vows were all said and done.

Dancing with my handsome husband.  But the best part of the night was when Robby finally convinced Dale to liven up the party with his now infamous shirtless dance.

And I was the lucky girl that got to take this guy home at the end of the night.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Big Costume Reveal

Drumroll please.....

Grady chose Max.  The whole family dressed as superheroes was tempting him but in the end he went with his favorite book character from "Where The Wild Things Are"
 And Caroline had no say in it, she was a lobster in a pot.  And I must say she was the sweetest lobster I have ever seen.
 Bad daddy!  You left your Peter Pan tights at home on purpose didn't you?

 Our lobster lasted about 10 minutes in her pot.
Nana trying out Max's crown.  

"There's an eye in my face"

Until next Halloween...