Thursday, June 30, 2011


Grady and Caroline's great-grandfather passed away Monday night. I am so very lucky that I got to know this great man and Grady and Caroline are blessed to have had so much time with their great-grandfather. If I am lucky enough to live to see Grady and Caroline become grandparents one day, I will consider myself the luckiest woman in the world. Today we have to say our goodbye's, but we know that it is not forever and one day, we will all get a big hug in heaven from Papa. Until then, we love you very much and will miss you greatly!

Four generations of Scott men

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where Did I Leave Off?

Oh was Memorial Day Weekend and we spent it at the beach with Bennett, Mike, Ellison and Landon. It makes me sad to think that when these pictures were taken I still had a whole month of time off ahead of me! Where did it all go???? The big kids and their watermelon

Building sand castles together...Ever since this trip, Grady misses Ellison so much! They played together all weekend long and were better entertainment for each other than we could ever dream of being. Hopefully another beach trip with the Brown's will be in the works soon.

Friday, June 3, 2011

First Night At The Beach

Dale and Mike taking over baby duty for a little while.

Then swimming in the ocean duty for Grady and Ellison.

Warming them up after their evening swim.

Then Mike cooked us up some fish tacos for dinner. These pictures are starting to make it look like Bennett and I just laid around on the beach the whole time...My boys, plus Ellison who can never resist the camera.

Hide and the pantry!

After dinner games. Grady the night owl joined in for a little while.And this is when we knew it was time for the kids to go to bed.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Day 1

We were invited to spend Memorial Day weekend at Folly Beach with the Brown's and it was so much fun. Grady had his new bff Ellison to play with all weekend.

And Caroline had her older (by 4 days) boyfriend Landon to hang out with in the sun tent.

and on the playmat...

and in their little yellow seats. They were pretty much bums just laying around on their backs all weekend.