Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We're Still Alive

We have just been very busy. I haven't had the opportunity to take too many pictures lately, one main reason is that the charger was misplaced and couldn't be found until a few days ago. Yesterday for the first time since we moved in we had a nice leisurely afternoon. We explored the neighborhood on a long walk. Grady found his trusty plastic trombone in the jogging stroller and played us some tunes the whole time. Then we went home and played outside with the dogs and let Grady throw random things he found growing in the yard into the lake. Dale cooked us some tasty kung pao shrimp and chicken with the back doors open while we watched the sun go down. It was perfect.

I think he would have thrown himself in if I would have let him:I love spring so much. Problem is, it makes for a not so productive time at work when you stare out the window thinking of all the things you could be doing outside. That is what the weekends are for!

Monday, March 22, 2010

I Think My Son Is A Bully

Last week, I would have felt sorry for the little guy for getting picked on at school. After spending the weekend with him though, I think my pity is starting to lean towards the kid who bit him. I have a feeling it was done in self defense. In about a week's time, my son has become a hitter. Saturday alone must have seen 25 spankings and trips to time out. It got to the point where every time I would say his name in "that" tone, he would walk up and give me a kiss. As if he could just go straight for the I'm sorry, let's make up and skip the whole punishment phase. He has a mind of his own and right now, we are not on the same wavelength.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sick Week

We had a sick little boy for most of the week. He is feeling better now but hasn't been up for too many photo ops. We did get a quick visit to the zoo in but it is kind of hard to get pictures when its just you and Grady!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Phil Really Outdid Himself

Our second snowfall in a month. Too bad it didn't pile up this time like it did a few weeks ago, but it was still pretty. Our bedroom's back porch:
Grady and I hanging out in his room after he had enough of the snow:
Daddy and Grady in the snow:
Mommy and Grady in the snow:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hi March

It took a while for you to get here, but boy am I glad you finally arrived. Even if you did come with a few more snowflakes for our morning drive. Poor Grady is confused though, I let him pick out his pajamas last night and due to the sub zero temperatures of late, he didn't quite know what season to go with.

I heard a little rumor that you may bless us with some 70 degree weather this weekend. Oh, Thank You, Thank You, Thank you! I love you! March, you are my new best friend. To celebrate, I think I will put Grady's trampoline together this weekend so that we can make the most of our favorite time of year.

And now here is a list of some more reasons to love March:

  • buds on the trees, waiting to turn into leaves
  • warm weather
  • the days get longer, one minute at a time
  • daylight savings in 12 days (but who's counting?)
  • warm weather
  • March is so much more fun to write than all of the long names of the winter months (a la October, November, December, January, February. I think February is the worst, I don't like the way it is spelled)
  • warm weather
  • The Cup, which leads to...
  • sun kissed cheeks, from the...
  • warm weather
  • Easter dress shopping

Monday, March 1, 2010

Working On The House

Grady has really taken to helping his daddy out around the house lately. He learns quickly. He uses the hammer on the walls. Unfortunately there is no nail involved, he just likes to bang it on the wall. Quarter round is his new favorite toy. Problem is, when it is 8 feet long it is kind of hard to get it through the door from room to room and it is even harder to make it lean on the wall exactly how he wants it. When it isn't cooperating, you can here his cries of frustration all over the house. And apparently he thinks this crow bar goes best in daddy's back.