Friday, January 9, 2009

Sleep Little Baby

Your energy is boundless. Your favorite thing to do at night-knock everything down that you can find. If there is a stack of papers on the coffee table, it taunts you until you can stand on your tippy toes and reach it and then with great pleasure, throw each piece of paper onto the floor, one by one. You smile and laugh as each item hits the rug. Then there are your blocks. You are a true boy at heart, getting such enjoyment out of destroying every intricate stack of blocks your dad makes for you. I guess those stacks taunt you too. And then you play. And play. And when you are rubbing your eyes, so close to exhaustion, finishing your bottle off, that second wind hits. And you are off once again in a flash of boundless energy.
Until you finally give into exhaustion, close your eyes, and fall asleep.
Why, oh why, does your little body not need a full 8 hours to re-charge? If I played like that, I couldn't move for a day. But not you. You are a superhero who is ready to play again at 2 in the morning. I thought that last night after the Gators won, you would sleep peacefully like a child going to sleep on Christmas night with all of his new treasures tucked in next to him. Can I hold out this hope for next Saturday night?

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