Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Summer's End

Well, the last beach trip for the summer has come and gone. Our bronzed baby had one last chance to work on his tan and you should have seen him taking advantage of every moment. This is his entry into the contest for the next Coppertone baby:
Of course every true southern beach goer knows that while you must work on your tan, you also have to take some time out to play in the shade and build sand castles.No trip to the beach is complete without some Beaufort stew so after a long day on the beach, Grady enjoyed gnawing on some corn on the cob. We have taught him well, he can clean an ear of corn faster than us.Dinner was followed up with some Carolina football. I don't think Grady understands the game of football yet because he is smiling while daddy obviously is not as jubilant. Either that, or he is a Gator at heart.
And in true Scott family tradition, no vacation can end without a new pair of boots. Behold, the dinosaur rain boots. I think we could send this in to "What Not to Wear" and win the $5,000 shopping spree in a second.

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