Monday, November 9, 2009

A Letter

Dear anyone who has ever been mean to my husband:

You are looking at one of the best men God ever created. He loves his family more than anything in the world. He takes such good care of Grady and I. He tends to the house, changes dirty diapers, makes me coffee every morning, cooks us dinner, mops the floors, feeds Grady breakfast and gets him ready for school every morning, washes the dogs, rakes the leaves and kills the bugs that creep in the house and scare the crap out of me. At times, he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he never passes it on to me to worry about. So if anyone out there ever doubts the amazing man that I was lucky enough to marry, come chat with me about it and I guarantee I will change your mind.



Susan Moss said...

You are so cute! We have all got to get together soon. Do you get a big expensive gift for writing such nice things about Dale?

Unknown said...

Dale is right "lucky" too (I'm sure he knows that!) Aunt Carol

Anonymous said...

How could anyone be mean to my nephew? Aunt Tina