Thursday, July 22, 2010

Scotty, The Scott Brothers & The Little Scott

Meet Scotty, Grady's newest friend. She is a distant cousin, somehow, and her middle name is Scott so she goes by Scotty. Scotty is a Christmas baby so she is only a few weeks older than Grady. They had a great time in the pool, Scotty really took to Uncle Brian, like all kids.
Grady and Scotty exchanged a few tips. Grady explained how cool it is to be able to swim. You just jump in whenever you want and get tossed around.
Scotty told Grady how cool it was to be potty trained and not have to walk around in dirty diapers anymore. Grady responded by telling her that he could care less about the dirty diapers, he's only working on it for m&m's.

I'm not sure if either of them really took anything noteworthy or educational away from their play date, but at least we got some cute cousin pictures.

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