Monday, May 23, 2011


Grady is such a good sharer...he is actually too good. He wanted baby sister to have plenty of bath toys to play with which was very sweet of him. He also wanted her to have lots of nerds candies to eat, I just found them in her swing. I need to make sure to pay more attention when I hear him saying "Here you go baby sister" from another room.

Friday, May 20, 2011

This Is Called "Supermans"

It starts out with Grady saying "Daddy, lets do Supermans!" Which leads to a few good tosses in the air...

And ends with begging for more from Grady and Dale collapsing on the couch exhausted. A few days ago he asked me to do Supermans...all he got was a good laugh!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pool Fun

"Look Grady, a lizard!""Cool...."

"Get him off of your ear!"
I'm so glad I have a little girl now to enjoy some other types of activities with...i.e., anything that doesn't involve bugs or tiny animals.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Smiles Have Started

There are so many tough moments with an infant, but as soon as you start getting those smiles, they are all worth it! This is one happy little girl. And she has the cutest dimples! They aren't too clear here but we will work on more smiley pictures.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Grady's Back

This past week, instead of waking up and rushing Grady Grump off to school, I have had the happiest mornings with my sweet boy and struggled to part with him for the day. He went to school Wednesday just so they don't forget about him when I go back to work and he has to start going back. But today I packed him and Caroline up in the car, and we were about to head down to school when I realized I wanted to spend the day with both of my babies. So I threw the wagon in the car and we took off for krispy kreme and the zoo instead. He has never been as good as he was today at the zoo. He stayed in the wagon, listened to me and didn't have a single meltdown moment the whole time.

I am so happy that my Grady is back and has finally seemed to accept and adjust to the fact that Ms. Carolion is here to stay. Maternity leave is turning out to be the best time of my life!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer Fun

Honey Cheerio on her first boat ride. Grady's teeth were chattering the whole time he was in the water but he refused to get out. He definitely doesn't get that from me!

On a completely unrelated note, Grady found his Bob Marley wig in the playroom and is bringing it out just in time for summer.

Monday, May 9, 2011

While I Was Sleeping

Dale went out and caught a big fish!

Doesn't Grady look thrilled to be holding his baby sister?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Coming Home Day

Pop and Gigi stopped by for some goodbye kisses before heading home. They could only stay away for a few weeks though...

Our stork! (I think the owners forgot about him because he is still camped out in our front yard...three weeks later!)

My boys enjoying the new girl in the house.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some Family Pictures

Grandy getting his hundred kisses.Great Grandparents! Grady and Caroline are so blessed to have lots of great grandparents around to grow up with.

Proud daddy with his little girl.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sweet Caroline (Caro"lion")

Our baby girl decided she didn't want an April 19th birthday as planned so she took matters into her own hands...poor Dale got a text telling him to come to the hospital after a short 2 hours at his new job. Grady giving his new sister a curious look. His first question was "What does a Caro"lion" do?" "ROAAARRR". He has since called her Caro"giraffe", Caro"tiger" and Caro"monkey".

and enjoying the first time holding her. This is before the gravity of his new life at home hit him.

Don't ever let a 3 year old get up on your hospital bed after surgery. He is more than likely responsible for a number of pain pills I had to take that day.

Nana telling Caroline about all the shopping trips that are in her future. Watch out Grandy!

And the important stats:

Born at 2:18 p.m. on April 11

Weight- 5 pounds 2 ounces

Length- 18 1/2 inches