Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Grady's Back

This past week, instead of waking up and rushing Grady Grump off to school, I have had the happiest mornings with my sweet boy and struggled to part with him for the day. He went to school Wednesday just so they don't forget about him when I go back to work and he has to start going back. But today I packed him and Caroline up in the car, and we were about to head down to school when I realized I wanted to spend the day with both of my babies. So I threw the wagon in the car and we took off for krispy kreme and the zoo instead. He has never been as good as he was today at the zoo. He stayed in the wagon, listened to me and didn't have a single meltdown moment the whole time.

I am so happy that my Grady is back and has finally seemed to accept and adjust to the fact that Ms. Carolion is here to stay. Maternity leave is turning out to be the best time of my life!

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